By fatteningmeup - 26/05/2011 14:24 - United States

Today, I found out my mom intentionally puts extra butter and oil in the food she cooks for me because she wants me to be fatter than her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 414
You deserved it 3 787

Same thing different taste


brandybaby1204 0
HarmonyChord 0

I would never do that to my daughter. I give her healthy foods. obesity is no joke :(

so sad.. from now on, visine and exlax in her every meal

Is that an insult to my country I hear? Ah, who am I kidding we suck I agree.

if you have a FMyLife account, it's probably time to start preparing your own meals, lazy.

iwishicould 7

says somebody who has an fml account... she had no reason to fix meals for herself before this because her mother did it fir her, now she knows I'm sure she will.

Sure I also have an account here, but even when I lived with my parents (I'm married now) I made dinner for everyone. So, obviously I made that statement for a real reason?

I'm not just mad because I'm fat, however it's irritating that you can't spell? I'm not the thinnest person, but I'm not mad about it. I also cook my own food. So, make better comments. That wasn't even funny.

btnhdude 0

More yo' momma jokes!!! your momma's teeth are so yellow, I can't believe it's not butter.