By iTried - 28/01/2016 12:12 - United States - Houston

Today, I found out my best friend was cheating on her boyfriend. After confronting her boyfriend and showing him proof, he responded with denial and didn't believe me. Now my whole circle of friends not only think I'm trying to start a rumor, but that I'm a home wrecker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 562
You deserved it 8 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deathstroke990 22

if she's your best friend, why not approach her about it first? instead of directly going to the boyfriend

This is usually a lose-lose situation. Although, I don't know why you confronted the boyfriend instead of your best friend. She's the one cheating, and should be responsible for admitting the truth to her boyfriend.


unixdude 9

...not a single "snitches get stitches" yet? I am disappoint.

I know its your best friend and all but something I learned the hard way is to not get involved in another's personal life... be it whom it may be.. involving yourself can either end up good... or extremely bad, sometimes for all parties.

why do you think that you have right to involve yourself in someone else's business? it's their relationship not yours, if you didn't like what your best friend was doing then you should've just talked to her and then it would be only her choice to tell her boyfriend or not

Give the cheater, the one who decided to betray their partners trust and keep it hidden continuously, the option to tell the truth and probably lose the partner..greaaaaat idea

I don't get the 'it's their business' thing. It's not. Your actions affect everyone around you. It affects what THEY do and how they feel about you, too. Your actions can hurt people, and if someone sees another about to be hurt, it is your /duty/ to try and stop it. If someone was plotting to humiliate someone at a party, you'd step up and tell that poor person wouldn't you? And on a larger scale, if you knew someone was going to be killed, you'd try and save them or at least tell them, right? The situation may be between two people, but it's not just their business. Cheating isn't okay, and they deserve to know.

What exactly hurts more, being cheated on or knowing you're being cheated on? What exaclty did OP resolve by this intervention? Look up 'Rethinking infidelity' on TED Talks. May give you a bit of a different perspective on the topic.

They might not believe it now but the seed is there, they could realize soon. Then realize their partner is a piece of shit not worth their time and realize to get checked out for any diseases. I'd definitely say the pain is worth not wasting your time and making sure you're not getting anything.

I'm curious exactly what you thought going to the boyfriend would accomplish other than give him a heads up that you were coming with evidence. Why not just lay it out to your best friend instead.

Wyrmflight 13

because the best friend was the cheater, not the boyfriend.

It seems like this situation was doomed to fail either way. I hope your best-friend still talks to you after what you did though. Good luck!

Sounds like you need a new best friend. People

The rule of being a best friend is to always put them first especially in their persona situation. My friend cheated on her bf and I haven't told him or anyone. I simply talked to her and helped her make her own decision. And guess what she stopped . Yes she still cheated and maybe she will confront it in her own time . It's not my business not would I ever do the dirty work . I guess you two aren't best friends now though .

The rule of being in a relationship is to be faithful. The best friend could have ended it before cheating. Instead she used the BFs trust against him. Not a good partner or friend!

@64: You mean she stopped as far as you're aware of or based on what she's told you. Unless you're following her around 24/7, you don't know what she's doing.

if your friend can be sneaky to the one person she agreed to be committed to then she can be sneaky to you as well

She's my friend first, the situation was more complex, still a mistake she made does not define her whole being .

Well we aren't exclusive lovers so I doubt it would be anything that would bother me jaja , I know when someone lies and is hiding something. How do you think I knew she was cheating?

She always is honest to me which is why I knew in the first place . 24/7 maybe not but I spend the night allot with her in her bed so I would know if we had a third guest :)

If the best friend wanted to tell her BF she would have broken up woth him before she cheated. Cheaters don't deserve the courtesy of know first. Best friend or not OP did the right thing.

rldostie 19

Bad call. If it's your best friend, you should've confronted her and tried to figure out what was happening with her. Best friends hide the bodies, not run to the police. It makes me wonder if you have a thing for her boyfriend and that's why you were so eager to tell him.