By goodbye-college - 15/08/2010 04:12 - Canada

Today, I found out I won't be able to go to college. Why? My sister's horse needs surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 338
You deserved it 5 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knibbsy 4

You must end the horse. An unfortunate accident would work.

acantha69 0

Someone else paying for their college ed wasn't even an option for 90% of the people I know. Get a loan, get a job, pay for it yourself.


angtaffe 0
baseballplaya13 0

for revenge u should kill the house and turn the horse into glue and use the glue in college

It sucks to have your parents not fund university, but you have other options. Get good grades, get scholarships, apply for student grants, apply for bursaries, apply for student loans... if you really want to go to uni, you can still get there. Sure it's not as easy, but you can still do it.

I see that OP is from Canada. So am I! Apply for a Canada Student Loan and mention that your parents aren't giving you any money. Have your parents fill out a form that says they're not giving you any money. You'll get some loans and maybe a grant.

YLS most def on some real shit. ur rents need to get their priorities straight animals vs their kid is a no brainer

kill the horse it's an animal. you're a person with a future.

Take out a student loan!! Your parents aren't obligated to pay for your college education, believe it or not! It isn't fair to let the horse die for that reason!! You are extremely selfish to wish death on a horse because of your financial concerns. Whatever the surgery is, it probably doesn't cost more than a few thousand. This wouldn't prevent you from going to college if you got a student loan. My dad paid for his entire college education through loans alone - his parents never gave him a penny and he is quite successful as an architect now. If you know anyone who owns a horse, they are often like a family member or child to their owner... It is your parents' decision to do what they want with your money, the decision between paying for the surgery or euthanasia is theirs alone. Poor horse =[

JordanLeah 2

Where did the OP say that she wished death on the horse? We don't even know if this is a life-threatening horse injury! Besides, she's not allowed to be even the slightest bit upset about the fact that the money saved for her education is being used on something else? Also, "It is your parents' decision to do what they want with /your/ money." Uhhhh no.

MustangFilly77 9

Parents don't owe their children college. You know what would teach you more about life that college...figuring out how to pay for college yourself. It's called being resourceful, independent, and GET A F***** job!

BubbaCatLove 0

You have obviously never owned, much less ridden, a horse. They don't just get hurt for no reason. Also, it doesn't matter if the money was promised or not, there are alternatives to having your college paid for. Besides, it's lazy of the OP to think his parents should just automatically pay for his college. Back when I was riding the A circuit, my parents said they would try to pay for college, but constantly reminded me how expensive horse-back riding was. I think it only fair for the OP to shut up and give a damn about an animal's well-being, especially if said animal is part of the family. My horse has been part of my family since we bought him, and he's literally a family affair. (Don't take that the wrong way.) Surgery for a horse is a SERIOUS thing. Something serious happened to this horse, and his life is probably depending on it. I suggest you do some research and grow some empathy before commenting again. I really don't find you to be all that intelligent.

WannabeJew 0

It is your parents' decision to do what they want with your money. Alright then, why don't you hand over your next/first paycheck to your parents and see how you feel about them taking your money? Does anyone ever get the feeling FML is just filled with teenagers and pre-teens trying to seem cool by being cynical and jaded without any regard for others? The lack of understanding about some family units and the way things outside of their world view works is astoundingly ignorant.