By Liferuinedforever - 14/05/2013 07:13 - Pakistan - Karachi

Today, I found out I'm actually the uncle of my children. All four of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 443
You deserved it 6 757

Top comments

That's absolutely crushing. I feel for you, OP.

Atleast you're something to them FYL


I Know everyone thinks cheating is a serious offense but isnt it a legal offense in pakistan or just really cultural and everyone shuns the wife and brother now? I'm really sorry op

Wait, what? When did cheating become legal in Pakistan?

If they still call you dad, if you put their food on the table, if you put clothes on their backs, you are still their father.

kentuckyguy 4

Op,that's horrible to hear.As people are telling you,just because your wife f**ked your brother,that doesn't mean anything.Your brother was merely a sperm donor,but I'm going to guess you're the dad.Remember,anyone with testicles can be a father,it takes a man to be a dad.Divorce her cheating ass,and get your kids.

That is beyond horrible. Sorry OP. are you going to be seen as "dad" still? Or are they going to try and force you into the uncle position?

How do you know all four of them aren't yours? You must have slept with her at some point prior to the pregnancy or you would have figured it out a while back, and even if you were both sleeping with her the odds are that at least one wouldn't be yours.

theangryone11 5

What the first commenter to you said. The first commenter is right. To you: Stop trying to find excuses. The wife cheated, he has proof. Accept it, get over it. It's horribly wrong, you should be sympathizing and not trying to say he is wrong. I bet if the woman cheated you'd be all "ohhh noooo that horrible man :(" about the situation.

as horrendous as that situation is OP, rest easy knowing you've probably been a better father to those kids that some of the scumbags who actually share DNA with their kids. hope everything turns out well for you!

You couldn't have posted this in jail, so, I guess you didn't do what I would have done. At least sue the p.o.s. for years of child support, and leave your wife and never look back

That sucks. Positive side: no child support.

knotcool 15

To all the people saying, "just divorce her", it's not that easy. Most likely he would not get custody of the children, no matter how awful that is. I'm all for child support though :)

In Pakistan and Islamic law, as in the US, its called presumption of paternity. It states that if they were married at the time of their birth, then legally they are his children. He can't just leave even if he wanted to. He has the legal obligation to provide for his children. FYL OP, that's a horrible position to be in. You've been betrayed and are raising someone else's children unwittingly. No matter what you do you will be required legally to do so.