By Iskylite - 10/09/2013 21:41 - United States - Spring

Today, I found out I do not have a fast metabolism, I've actually had a tape worm living inside me for 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 315
You deserved it 3 703

Iskylite tells us more.

the doctor said it could've lived inside me for 30 years. I'm glad they got it out :) and yes I'm feeling much better :)

Top comments

How did you not notice for so long tape worms can be huge

Look on the bright side, you're thin as a tapeworm! Jack, that sucks, did you get it out?


TheyCallMeDamien 17

Just be glad you're not dead and it can be removed.

OP doesnt want to say because the discovery probably happened when OP noticed the tape worm hanging out his ass!!!! It also has nothing to do with metabolism, tape worms attach their head to the inside of the intestine and start feeding adding 'segments' to their body similar to the tail of a rattle snake.

Apparently I have a fast metabolism too, but I fear that I have a tapeworm.... Either way, FYL

EthanTheStrange 4

That is actually my biggest fear. I'd rather die. Ive been to scared to look at my own xrap for years because the fear of discovering I had parsites. I blame monsters inside me.

OP, I had a tapeworm, too and am possibly still dealing with it. Don't listen to any of these people because guaranteed none of them have gone through the same thing. Fish tapeworm is actually the largest human dwelling tapeworm, and the most common because of sushi/sashimi popularity in U.S.