By SirDirtyRedD - 25/01/2014 01:03 - Iceland - Reykjav

Today, I found my little brother breathing heavily and asked him what he was doing. He looked at me intensely and said "Breathing in all the oxygen so you can't have any and die." 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 409
You deserved it 36

SirDirtyRedD tells us more.

i would just like to make a point that he is only six he has plenty of time to make better plans lol

Top comments

I get the feeling he's not too fond of you..

So he would die too, because there'd be no more oxygen ? Hmmm, he's ready to die to kill you.


Your brother sounds like he has some issues !!!

doglover100 28

Hehe.. Dumb n innocent at the same time..

Haha then they would start having a heavy breathing contest and both pass out

You might wanna get that checked out.

laylaeve 9

That's pretty hostile for a little kid but let him keep it up eventually he'll pass out...better for you. :)

Annoyed by such obvious obfuscations, and equally reminescent of McCarthyism... Well Done...