By KJL - 29/08/2011 15:38 - United States

Today, I found my husband Googling Morse Code. He thinks his farts are trying to communicate with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 775
You deserved it 3 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Johnothan 0

That's hilarious. He's winning


gimmenovacaine 4
Alexisthebestest 16

I think he's on to something here...

You married an uneducated idiot well done!

xlizzx 0

Maybe it's not so bad.... Maybe his farts are saying "I love you"

It's better that than him receiving messages from god through the neighbor's dog

Perhaps, if the Morse Code gets him nowhere, he should try a Ouija Board?

Perhaps higher powers are trying to warn him of a dangerous gas leak. P.S. Fart Jokes aren't funny.

Cynical_in_SK 6

Just when you thought the nut jobs couldn't get any crazier! I mean ignorance is one thing...that can usually be cured...but this? This is just fricken scary!

champjb 0

they say to just go to the bathroom