By sdauner - 01/03/2010 21:55 - United States

Today, I found a $100 bill on the ground and was thinking, "I'm so lucky!!" I opened my wallet to find that $300 was missing. I looked back and saw some guy picking up $300. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 222
You deserved it 7 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does money fall out of your wallet and then also out of your pocket?

I wouldve been like dude I just dropped tht give it back!!!


ok if he turns it into the police someone else is gonna claim it, and it obviously wont be theres either so who cares

How is anyone going to bloody prove they lost $100? @1

MusicAlive 0

go to the guy and tell him it's yours.

@snickerdoodle i have been seeing ur comments on so many fmls in the past like 10 months of u being a smart ass which tells me that u obviously do not have much of a life.. just sayin

Nice job spreading the wealth /sarcasm/

how do you loose $ 300.00 from your wallet , while walking.. ? unless you drop your whole wallet.. IDK.. sounds strange to me.

Dude, you should have asked him for it back, or ask to trade the 100 with 300...dih

asianwolf 2

holy crap snick he picked up $100 therefore he is stealing, and not at all thinking about turning it in. therefore he completely deserve it because a karm holy crap snick