By sdauner - 01/03/2010 21:55 - United States

Today, I found a $100 bill on the ground and was thinking, "I'm so lucky!!" I opened my wallet to find that $300 was missing. I looked back and saw some guy picking up $300. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 224
You deserved it 7 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does money fall out of your wallet and then also out of your pocket?

I wouldve been like dude I just dropped tht give it back!!!


bobtythecow 0

I see you're point but in some cases you need to point people out who are being jerks to everyone

he found cash omg that's so horrible!?!?!? Shut the f$

rape ur @$$ he didn't do anything wrong

lol how does 300$ fall out of ur pocket that is in ur wallet yet ur wallet is in ur pocket still?

it's funny how $300 just fell out of your wallet...

I have a solution. TELL THE GUY YOU DROPPED IT. End of story.

jessv123 0

wow snickers everyone hates u... ur imfamacy culd really get u somewhere.

naw u ain't ugly don't even look at their comments