By Anonymous - 30/10/2015 22:22 - United States - Saint Peters

Today, I finally stood up to the guy who's been bullying me for the last 2 years. Even though he's been caught in the act several times, he never gets punished, so I figured I'd get away with gut-punching him. Nope. An hour later, I was suspended from school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 873
You deserved it 2 645

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MonkeeArtz 11

You may have gotten suspended, but he now know what you can and will do. Don't see this entirely as a problem, as it may have been your solution.

Screw the school as long as your not in trouble at home consider it a win


Are you kidding me? Even if he stops I think that you need to take that information to someone higher to get that put in order. He bullies YOU all the time and gets away with it. And when you defend yourself YOU get in trouble? Tell me how that is supposed to be even remotely right.

My folks told me to do what you did OP, and even if I got suspended they'd be proud of me for standing up for myself. So I feel your pain.

Does your school have any Cameras in the hallways?

At least you finally stood up to your bully, I bet you that made you feel real good

I give ya a high five on that one and if he starts up again call the police

his family probably donates a lot of money to the school.

sabby7 17

I hate's good to know you are sticking up for yourself while other people that are getting bullied can't. Good job! Definitely proud of you!

Sad, that's how schools are these days. They say "always come to a trusted adult if you're being bullied" but they don't do shit. Sorry op.

Badkarma4u 17

Not these days, schools have always been this way. Young men have always had to fight to exert their personal dominance and secure their place in the hierarchy. This is as primative as it gets.