By Asterisk1009 - 29/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to tell my parents that I'm gay. My mom said "Yeah, we know." When I asked how they knew, my dad, without looking up from the tv, said, "We've been monitoring your Internet history." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 652
You deserved it 17 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Major invasion of your privacy, sure. But at least they didn't freak out and were totally fine about it. Plus, they waited until you were ready to tell them rather than confront you when they figured it out through snooping...gotta give them credit for that!


:D Well, be happy that they don't care about your orientation!

I like how if you disagree with homosexuality you must be one of the following; intolerant, ignorant, full of hate, close minded, or "religious."

Well what else are you? Intolerant: Well, if you actively disagree with something, you're intolerant of it, aren't you? Ignorant: Well, it really depends on what your arguments against it are, but in more cases than not, yes. Full of hate: If you're antagonizing a certain group of people, you're being hateful - or 'full of hate'. Close Minded: I assume this means 'closed minded' - and if you 'disagree' with the way other people live their lives, that's not exactly being open minded. 'Religious': I don't understand why that's in quotes, but you have to admit that there are many people who use religion to justify baseless hate.

that's because you are one of the following...

I like how if you disagree with the lifestyle choice of being black, you're a "racist."

delfinofrank 0

to say that you disagree with one's homosexuality is the same as to disagree with one's skin color, hair color, facial structure, etc. Wouldn't you call someone who "disagreed" with your skin color a racist?

"the lifestyle choice of being black", bwahahahahahaha. Great comment kevind23

testing_fml 0

YDI, this is why you delete your history.

Intolerant "unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion." Doesn't that go both ways? Ignorant: According to you what arguments are ignorant? Full of hate: There is a difference between disagreeing on an issue and antagonizing. Close minded: So according to your argument I'm close minded for not agreeing with a lifestyle? I hope you don't support animal rights or being environmentally friendly or pretty much any social issue. Because then you too disagree with the way people live their lives and are a hypocrite. Everybody has their own opinion. Everybody has the right to their own opinion. Religion: I only used that because that is an assumption of anyone that differs with society's view on this issue.

Intolerant: But you're the antagonist in this situation. Ignorant: Arguments that overlook significant research contributing to the idea that homosexuality has to do with cell count of the hypothalamus in the brain Full of hate: I'll give you that one. It doesn't really help your argument, anyway. Closed-minded: Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. I support the Earth myself, and sometimes wonder about people who are carelessly destructive towards it, but in this case there's a very clear 'right' and 'wrong'. Same goes for animal rights. Religion: What? I'm just going to leave that one alone.

I'm with happyguy. overcast you might want to see a therapist for this anger that you are unleashing. I don't hate gays as you say but I disagree with their choice, which doesn't make me ignorant. And so what if I'm religious and believe in GOD. I was just saying what I believe, like you have never disagreed with someone or said your beliefs

About that... It's not a choice. If you think it is, you're ignorant.

You're not born religious, it's a choice.

That's why you learn how to erase search logs

renyark209 0

Ugh. Most parents wouldnt know privacy if it crawled up their ass and exploded.

failgamer 7

this made me laugh so hard

And now they're going to see this too..,..