By Asterisk1009 - 29/06/2009 05:41 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to tell my parents that I'm gay. My mom said "Yeah, we know." When I asked how they knew, my dad, without looking up from the tv, said, "We've been monitoring your Internet history." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 652
You deserved it 17 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Major invasion of your privacy, sure. But at least they didn't freak out and were totally fine about it. Plus, they waited until you were ready to tell them rather than confront you when they figured it out through snooping...gotta give them credit for that!


amidecour 0

Well, you have to admit, it does seem like that made it easier.

forgothelove 0

Lol, that's my life. Similarly happened to me like 8 years ago when I was in high school. Thought I had cleaned my tracks but didn't think to clear the cookies back then. Be happy your parents were okay with it though and didn't confront you like mine did.

This is the millionth FML of gay people coming out. I don't care about gay people in real life so why would I want to read about them on the Internet. If you are gay you might want to rethink your life.

I think you ought to rethink your own. Or just end it. Either way.

testing_fml 0

nobody tell you to read those FML if u don't like them

alex_vik 0

YDI for being gay. inb4shitstorm of downvotes

how is that a YDI gay people don't choose it... you are probably just pissed because you are in denial about who you really are. asshole

Well at least you know you're a jerk. That's something I guess.

Hey, alex_vik, try standing on a railroad and wait for a big, long thing of metal to meet you.

You should consider yourself lucky since they didn't make a big deal out of it.

fxdxhk90 0

Your parents were both asses, but on the other hand, it saved you from an awkward moment.

I'm glad you decided to come out. :3 Congrats! I'm just glad there weren't any total douchebags in this one like there always tend to be (in the FML, not the comments. That'll never happen). I always get paranoid when I read that though. Makes me wonder if my Ma monitors my net surfing.

InterLinea 0

Go OP for being brave! :) But I agree with everyone. It's probably for the best that your parents didn't make a big deal out of it. Still, the invasion of privacy has got to be embarrassing. I think that's the FYL here. I'd probably die if my parents did something like that. I'm not gay, so I don't have that to worry about, but I still wouldn't like my parents poking around in my history. That's private! FYL.

arienh4 0

And this is what passwords have been invented for. I'm still gonna vote FYL, but you should've been smarter.