By resipsahipsta - 28/06/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I finally cracked the password on my husband's email account. I don't know which is worse: finding out your husband is cheating on you with several people, or finding his password includes his ex-girlfriend's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 192
You deserved it 24 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might wanna get a lawyer before you tell him what you found.

Oooh man, that just sucks all around! I wish I could give you a hug!


I'm wondering if this husband cheated before and swore he never would again? Worse, was the OP his mistress while he was in a prior marriage or committed relationship at any point? He's not ever going to change; the OP won't ever be able to trust him. Divorce him - it's much simpler.

Caayouteepie 0

Wow this happened to my mom.. FYL. I feel your pain.

I love how every time someone posts a cheating story, all the f*ckwits are like "HAHA IT'S PROBABLY BECAUSE YOU'RE FAT OR YOU WEREN'T SLEEPING WITH HIM ENOUGH." Nice job assuming, assholes, 'cause as we all know, it's the victim's fault. That said, you probably shouldn't have been snooping. Communication is there for a reason. However, I don't know your situation. Maybe he's been evasive. Maybe he's been unwilling to talk about it. That said, FYL for him cheating on you with several women. There is absolutely no excuse for that. Sorry, dear.

I can tell you what's worse. That he's cheating on you.

YDI because your grammer is shit. I like being able to actually read FMLs

ghadir 2

so many grammar mistakes, geez

anonymouskiller 0

You deserve to have him cheat on you if your trying to hack into all his shit. Have some respect, if you were worth it he wouldnt cheat on you, its your fault, not his

to 122, yeah that's what i do all the time.

Entity4Infinity 0

uhm he cheated cuz hes a guy who wants other girls besides just one... cheating on her with other girls more than one emphasized shows he cant be a one man guy obviously so it might just not be her... plus she was suspicious you cant tell me you wouldnt be if you thought the person you married might be cheating on you... cheating hurts and now she has to go through this.

So do you snoop around on every guy you're with, or just the ones you suspect of cheating?