By fuckmylifeLulu - 09/04/2011 16:07 - United States

Today, I filed my taxes. As a divorcée with children, I was supposed to get $3,500 back from the IRS. Alas, my ex's new wife already filed with my children, who don't live with her. I now owe the IRS $250. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 989
You deserved it 4 084

Same thing different taste


your an idiot report her for tax fraud! God!!!

madeingeorgia 0

sue her! she can go to jail for that!

I think you should seek legal help. What she did was illegal.

report her for tax fraud. they can't keep you from filing your children. all that would happen I'd they audit you and her and she would have to prove they live with her. if they don't you're safe..

AZFreckles 0

CPA here... what does your divorce decree say? If it is NOT stipulated who will claim the children each year, then the children can only (legally) be claimed by the parent/guardian who had physical custody of the children for 6 months and 1 day of the year. If the filing of your ex (and let's face it, he had a part in this since they probably filed jointly) is truly fraudulent, file a paper return with a statement stating that the children lived with you the majority of the year (6 months 1 day) and you can prove it. It will take some time to get it figured out and fixed, but it WILL be done if you do the above. The IRS does NOT tolerate fraudulent filing and will investigate any allegations of such.

sparxva 12

Report them for tax fraud, duh!

Report them for fraud! You can prove that the kids live with you... Drop the bitch in it!