By fuckmylifeLulu - 09/04/2011 16:07 - United States

Today, I filed my taxes. As a divorcée with children, I was supposed to get $3,500 back from the IRS. Alas, my ex's new wife already filed with my children, who don't live with her. I now owe the IRS $250. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 989
You deserved it 4 084

Same thing different taste


that smells like fraud! tell the IRS to audit her ;)

loveyouall81 2

yes!!! finally a woman gets owned with a big financial *****.

Professor59 2

Just file correctly. When the IRS comes around, simply show them the custody agreement and the IRS will chase down the ex until the end of time. How other people do their taxes does not affect you telling the truth.

Igor_g5 0

If your ex is paying child support it's likely that they should have a right to claim the kids. It should be spelled out in the divorce decree. If you have a right to claim them then do so and let them fight it out with the IRS.

gemmyfay 0

I do taxes for a living. file against them. if ur children live with u u are entitled to the refund not them. they can lose the ability to file eic for 10 yrs and face jail time. fyi

That is impossible. As long as you have custody, your husband's new wife has no right at all to file with your children.

djewel6 0

yep she committed fraud file with the kids when the IRS flags it you can prove they live with you so stick it to the butted he's the one that's gonna get a big fat bill from the IRS