By Anonymous - 16/06/2009 11:10 - United States

Today, I facebooked my friends about my upcoming birthday party, and told them to keep the date free. I got several responses telling me that's not possible, because that's the day the new Harry Potter movie comes out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 148
You deserved it 30 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

caffieneminx 0

I would honestly have to agree. Opening night of Harry Potter matches no other.

pshh who wouldn't go watch Harry Potter instead *light bulb goes on in head* maybe you can have your birthday party at the movie theater!


brrrx 0

If Voldemort can't beat Harry Potter, how can you expect to? Haha sorry, why not make your birthday a Harry Potter viewing?

Of all the comments made, this one still wins! :)

me and ur friends have the same plan!

I don't get why people need to see movies the exact day it comes out... But hey, maybe you could meet them at the movies for your birthday and/or meet up later? It's not an all-day thing.

Should have planned better...I'm a good friend, but hot damn, I'm not missing the HP premiere for any reason except my own death.

mk_xoxo 0

don't blame them. i'm so siked for that movie to come out!!!!!!!!

the richest man in the world is a nerd so whats the dis?

MsMegaroo 0

Uggggg...u again. Why do u hate blondes?? But I totally agree...and Bill Gates is like really nice too

fox190 0

i wouldn't come either. i mean its the new hp movie!