By Anonymous - 23/01/2013 01:33 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I discovered that my downstairs neighbor is running a business out of her apartment. Or I should say, her pimp is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 972
You deserved it 2 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should see opportunity here. Set up a condom stand in the hallway.

Call the cops on them when they're in "business".


alexstylespayne 6

You could work for them and get some money on the side

gregkingsley 4

At least u don't have to go far now

Face down ass up that's the way she likes to.... Well you get the idea as long as she doesn't see who it is I guess she imagines one guy

rokolodo 10

When they have a "customer" you should blare 80s sex scene music to "set the tone" hahaha

I recently found out, that in most cases of prostitution the girl didn't have a choice. most of the girls in that "perfection" are sold by her parents, ran away from an abusive home, or kidnapped. I would immediately call the before another helpless girl dies to a pimp!

Actually I would guess most who are not there of "choice" are there because of poverty, addiction or mental health issue. Yes, these vulnerable woman then fall victim to drug debts and pimps but how is a court fine any better than a drug debt? Is a criminal record going to help better her life?

Looks like the red light district followed you home, OP. No need to hunt the corners anymore