By NoCookForYou - 22/08/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, I decided to cook dinner for my wife and kid. After a long day of preperation and cooking I asked them what they thought of it. My 12 year old son then says, "I would say it tastes like shit but not even shit tastes this bad!" My wife then laughed and gave him a high-five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 692
You deserved it 5 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maddoctor 10

And to think he'll probably talk to his wife like that someday, sigh...

Soooo you let your son cus, and you expect him not to talk to you like that? YDI


Well, asked? Though that does not mean he couldn't have minced his words a bit. I wouldn't worry too much, after all, it sounds like they were eating it. Practice makes perfect?


Bored_usually 0

You punished him for the lingual issues, right? Because, you know, if you let your kid talk that way, you pretty much deserve that...

Maddoctor 10

Huh, that was a totally random place for my comment to end up, the person I was actually replying to's comment disappeared... Oh well, your comment is just as ****** up anyways.

And that's when you told them good luck and left, right?

jeezus man what did you cook and how?

Did you suck at cooking or are they just pricks?

So your kid knows what shit tastes like huh? Thats complimentary to your wife's cooking

the fact that your kid dares to talk to you like that is YDI for bad parenting. if i ever spoke to my dad like that he would dive over the table and beat the absolute shit outta me. and my mum wouldnt high five me, she would join in. i would they have to buy my own food from then on out