By yee-whore - 18/10/2014 18:44 - United States - Waterbury

Today, I confronted my girlfriend after catching her cheating on me. After she finished crying, she had the brass balls to say she'd understand if I needed a couple of weeks to forgive her, and asked me for bus fare so she could go tell the other guy they could only be friends now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 312
You deserved it 3 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd buy the ticket, but it would be out of town one-way.

i dont like saying ending relationships is the best way but in this case you'll be better off without her.


Forgive and Forget. Forgive her, but never take a cheater back. You are only a dumbass if you do that. You can never start over on a blank slate and it will always be on your mind and heart. Let her go. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

I understand what you are saying, but I don't feel it's right to call someone a dumbass because they have forgiven and taken back someone that has cheated. I bet there are a lot of people, in marriages specifically, that have forgiven their spouse for cheating and worked on the relationship and I bet a lot of those relationships are better than they were before. Yes there will not be a 'blank slate', but it doesn't mean it can't work. For some people marriage is sacred and they would rather try and work on the relationship and stay together than just immediately divorce. A lot of people aren't cut out for that, and that's fine, but there are some that are and can actually repair the marriage. And as for "once a cheater always a cheater," look at #47's comment. It is hard to change, but it is possible.

I hope you told her to start walking her ass out the door. Did you dump her

I'm amazed something pointing out that women are capable of doing nasty things was allowed to be posted.

Buy a ticket, leave her, and never look back.

Why does she need to go tell that guy that they can only be friends? Sounds like an excuse to cheat again...

If you haven't made a legal commitment to her, this isn't actually cheating. It's just a mockery of it. Everybody thinks their juvenile relationships are the real deal these days. It takes three years to be legally considered defacto, and any woman would be a fool to stay loyal to a man who's strung her along for three years with no intention of making actual commitment. If you were not planning on doing so, stop whining and move on YDI! If you were, my condolences.

are you stupid? if the relationship is deemed exclusive at any point, it is cheating to sleep with someone else. for some reason i doubt you have any experience with commitment.

Are you under the impression that someone can only feel betrayed if they're married? Or that cheating on someone is a legal issue?

0 tolerance for that kind of bullshit, once a cheater, always a cheater. Caught my ex cheating on me as well, punched the guy she were cheating on me with, and told her she could go to hell and that I never would see want to see her face again, that is now two years ago, and damn, as soon as I knew she cheated, lost all respect, good riddance.

notsograceful121 13

I wouldn't say once a cheater, always a cheater. I have cheated before, but I knew it was a mistake right after it happened, and I refuse to let it ever happen again. I don't put myself in a situation to where it can happen, and I know how much it hurts the one you care about.

She showed you how much she cared about you. I hope you were smart enough to toss that trash away and I really hope you didn't give her any bus fair to go get some more dick.

GamerPerson 19

She's an idiot. Dump her on principle alone.