By whatdidimarry - 24/09/2015 23:31 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, I caught my husband and the cat licking the butter together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 267
You deserved it 2 296

Same thing different taste


I really hope "licking the butter" isn't a euphemism for something....

Well, this can have a huge margarine for error. First it's this, then you're in a whole new Country Crock of shit.

AliGInTheHouse 24

I could just see this happening in a Disney cartoon...

A worse FML..."I caught my cat licking butter off of my husband..."

Why is this an fml? Like nothing bad happened to you. F your life because of something someone did to a tub of butter?

Is that a saying or they are legit licking butter?