By areyoukiddingme - 07/01/2013 06:09 - United States

Today, I came out to my parents. They laughed in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 464
You deserved it 6 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iarefatal 9

It's bad when the people of the Internet will take you more seriously than your parents. Sorry op

You can laugh in their shocked faces when you bring home your new girlfriend.


Parents never do get it - but they may come around, OP. Fingers crossed for you. I know exactly how you feel.

Soooo sorry op :( hope you don't live in the Bible Belt

Maybe when you said gay they thought you meant happy?

ideasrule 13

Be glad that they only laughed in your face. I'm sure you're aware of the many horror stories where the child was disowned, or treated even worse.

It's sad they reacted like this, but hey, at least they didn't want you to get a cure or throw you out or anything like this. I'm sure everything is gonna be alright eventually, like with me it is now. :)

It's much better than what could have happened. Even though they did laugh in your face, they are clearly much more supportive of you than certain parents are. They probably just didn't know how to properly react to the situation.

EmmaxSampson 9

Aw. :( that sucks, I know how not being accepted feels. But hey now that you're out, you don't have to hide. :)

DjMonroe95 11

I think they previously figured it out

conman531 23

To my parents and some friends and girlfriend, I came out (as a strong strong atheist, which is frowned upon, not as a homosexual), and some at first were all shocked. Not upset, but shocked. They asked why and said that I needed to go to church to understand. I told my points though and then they all themselves started questioning their beliefs as well. They said they still disagreed with me, but they still had no argument. My point is don't be afraid to tell something your hiding and don't worry about others reactions, like I did. Just get accepted for who you are, teach people things, and if they still don't accept then they don't love you and they don't deserve your love

The dad should be happy and he should of said "Oohhh my daughter is a lesbian, get the camera"