By areyoukiddingme - 07/01/2013 06:09 - United States

Today, I came out to my parents. They laughed in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 464
You deserved it 6 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iarefatal 9

It's bad when the people of the Internet will take you more seriously than your parents. Sorry op

You can laugh in their shocked faces when you bring home your new girlfriend.


qirde_15 5

on the bright side, they seemed to accept you by thinking how they reacted

I don't think laughing in someone's face can be interpreted as acceptance...

33- Well, the opposite reaction of screaming, crying or hitting someone doesn't seem very accepting either somehow. ;)

Ouch.. Well at least their gut reaction wasn't to kick you out or scream profanities in your face.

Next time forgo the bright red clown nose, oversized shoes, and rubber chicken. Instead, wear a three piece suit. And glasses. People are always taken more seriously when they wear glasses.

**** you guys. That comment was hilarious. t('.'t)

AliceChess 8

It may be time sit down and have a talk. A more serious one, perhaps

Look on the bright side, at least you're not disowned or kicked out of the house?

Aww, I'm sorry, that sucks. :/ Clearly they weren't taking the situation serious enough. I hope they realize who you truly are, and support you in every way.

I thought the same thing! Where's the homophobic seal when you need him?!

tj5810 21

Maybe they were stoned? Are they hippies, perhaps? That would be the only 'understandable' excuse to that reaction. Sorry they made a joke of it. That's not very nice of them.

soja_fml 18

so only stoned hippies can react like that? interesting.....

Did you ever think they might already have known and that's why they laughed?

Congratulations on your commitment, but I hope that your parents can accept you for who you are. Otherwise TDI (They deserved it).