By ohai95 - 08/08/2012 00:11 - United Kingdom - Worthing

Today, I came out to my parents. I don't really fit any stereotype, I'm just an average guy who happens to be into guys. Ten minutes later, I overheard my mother say to my step-dad, "Should we redecorate his room pink?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 968
You deserved it 6 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

I hate it when people give in to stereotypes. Good for you for coming out though.


BeaterOfTheDrums 15

She's just trying to make an effort to show she accepts you for you, gay, straight or bi. Sure it's not the best way, but she probably doesn't know what to do. She could have disowned you, kicked you out etc. but she loves you. P.S. good for you for coming out OP. :)

I think they accept you op, but understand the process will be hard for them. It is up to you to get them to blow away the sterotypes...who knows, maybe you can get them involved in gay rights campaigns.

mhopper 13

They can't think straight. Give them some time to adjust.

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

I see what you did there. . .

CUTE DOGGIE! Nomnomnom! Anyway it seems like they're already adjusting.

Moonshadows 1

I don't think thinking straight is the problem...

Good for you for coming out. She will understand that you are the same person, give it time, she probably doesn't know what to say/do. Most important is that you feel good about yourself. The ones who love you will always accept you as you are even if they need a little time

R4inb0wBrit3 13

I'm probably going to get thumbed down for saying this, but that's ******* hilarious. If I were you I'd have laughed at my moms lack of knowledge about what to do in your situation.

Why has nobody given your comment a 'thumbs up' lol it was genius.

iamabamf 17

That was genius? What the hell, what's going on?

Because the guy in the music video of "call me maybe" ended up being gay.

My guess is that they were probably trying to be supportive the best they know how and are probably just misinformed. I wouldn't take it as an insult, at least they accept you for who you are! ^_^

sengenex 4

I'm sorry dude I laughed so hard at this!! At least they accepting you though!

Funnily enough, pink used to be a manly colour.

Congratz for coming out. At least they didn't disown you, they just don't know how the hell to make you feel comfortable.