By teriyaki124 - 21/03/2009 09:13 - United States

Today, I came out to my mom. I had an epic speech planned, and when I tried to tell her, it all fell apart and I started crying and just said, "I'm gay." After a few seconds silence, my mom sighs and says, "Duh." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 527
You deserved it 17 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess sometimes when you feel a certain way, you fear that others won't accept you. However, sometimes it's just obvious that someone you know is gay, so perhaps she just meant "duh" as a way to say she knew all along. Don't stress it. You said it, and it sounds like you were torn apart between your mother accepting you or not. Whether or not she accepts you, you said what you needed to say, and you no longer need to think about it.

Did she say duh in a bad way or did she accept you? Sounds to me like she knew and doesn't care. Def. not a FML situation, more like a Awesome Accepting Mom situation, if she does that is.


Speedyblurr 0

This FML in four words: "I'm a flaming ****"

Don't worry, those epic speeches never actually work the way they're supposed to. When I came out to my girlfriend (yeah, I know), I had told her for a week or so that I needed to talk to her about something, and I had a huge speech planned too. The night I was ready to tell her, she jokingly said 'Are you gay?' and there went my whole speech! It sounds like your mom will be pretty accepting of things too, which will make life a lot easier. Best of luck in the coming out process!

You came out to your gf? how is that possible?

FYL for being a wuss that starts crying over things like that! You're a disgrace to the male gender! Unless you're female then you were just acting femalish and there is nothing to worry about.

I wish everyone's coming out speeches would go as well as yours did. :]

ladedum 0

hahaha i laughed but then i said "awwww" out loud. therefore - im thinking not a fml moment at all.

dont see what the problem is to be honest. it should be a sigh of relief on your part. it seems like she already knows or she already knows and doesnt care. you're free to live your life

see, at least she's fine with it. i managed to say my whole speech to my parents and they still ask me if it's a phase. you should be happy that she's ok with who you are. wow at #24. you're ridiculous.

If you're a guy and have the gay voice then **** you. That shit is annoying.

she could have said worse. good for you for having the courage to come out, and good for your mom for loving you the way she obviously does!

bellaxobrianna 0

haha it couldve been much worse