By Mumbling Mutt101 - 15/08/2011 06:23 - Australia

Today, I came home to find a window broken and my neighbours searching inside my house. Apparently, they'd heard a small child asking for help inside my house. I recently taught my dog to "talk." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 475
You deserved it 5 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what else is funny? That I'm one of the people that thumbed down your comment. AHAH.


Cereal_Is_Good 5

I just imagined a small child calling for help in the voice of Salad Fingers, that was a disturbing thought. My imagination isn't a normal place.

You should stop keeping young children in your basement then.

My friend's dog sings to the 'Prince Of Bel Air' theme tune. FYL

unixdude 9

You really meant to say you killed someone who broke into your house, and only later learned it was your neighbor. Right?

TKello 6

Well at least you know that if you're ever in trouble your neighbors will come and help you.

I wish I had your skill with training animals. I can't count the number of failures I have to live with. My octopus has shown zero ability in macrame and the gerbil frankly sucks at making pasta. I did teach my parrot to talk, but didn't properly think through the consequences of its first phrase being "Here kitty, kitty, kitty!".

Tristan_aust 11

Look at the bright side, you might have stupid neighbors but at least you have a pretty cool dog!

corruptblackkat 17

that must've been an interesting sight to come home to...even if they heard a "kid" they had no to bust into your house...