By Mumbling Mutt101 - 15/08/2011 06:23 - Australia

Today, I came home to find a window broken and my neighbours searching inside my house. Apparently, they'd heard a small child asking for help inside my house. I recently taught my dog to "talk." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 475
You deserved it 5 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know what else is funny? That I'm one of the people that thumbed down your comment. AHAH.


valdancer99 0

well. thats what you get for not giving fluffers his treats(:

Maybe he was asking help for a way out of that place

Wow you're smart can you teach me to teach my stupid dog?

Laby_fml 9

Now's the time to teach your dog how to bark away intruders.

enonymous 8

Even I like Beggin Strips... Plus it fights cavities. Let's see your fancy floss do that with a bacon flavor

RebekahBrooke 9

Kinda stupid neighbors. but the most important thing.... why did you try to teach your dog to talk?

I know right? That's the first thing I thought. Who cares about the house, how fyl for having the spare time to teach your dog to talk lol.

that's a cool trick tho. my rents dog can't do that but I wouldn't want to break in bc she would rip my head off!!

Hey Rebekah. Your sorta kinda REALLY HOT!! ;)

Hey Rebekah you are pretty much really cute. ;)