By BusinessTurtle - 06/10/2012 07:49 - United States - Ames

Today, I came home from a three day vacation to find my psycho ex-girlfriend in my house. Even though I broke up with her six months ago, she hasn't broken up with me. It's alright though, she says she's going to forgive me and she already moved her stuff in when I was out of town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 765
You deserved it 2 464

BusinessTurtle tells us more.

BusinessTurtle 8

OP here, I've changed my locks and moved across town and I really don't want to hire a lawyer.

Top comments

Dude just get her a Restraining order as a welcome back gift !

Restraining order, and if that doesn't work, piss on her valuables.


KiddNYC1O 20

Just tell her "to the left! to the left!"

Call the cops and get a restraining order.

Im sorry OP.. I'm afraid you were unable to dodge that bullet..

jujubunni5 9

Bring over other lady friend and have sex with said friend. Everywhere.

geod69 8

Cool more woman should wear those to work

IT'S A TRAP. Get out now, man! Set it on fire!

Move to a different place that she doesn't know about and buy/rent the place under a false name. And if you can't afford to move then you are really screwed

nancyschmancy 9

I'm sure I saw this in a movie.