By Anonymous - 20/10/2011 16:16 - Ireland

Today, I came home crying and informed my mother that someone had called me a 'fat bitch' today. She held me at arms length, looked me straight in the eyes, and lovingly said, "You can't change who you are." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 828
You deserved it 6 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mahomie123 0

that's when you say.."i must've gotten it from you mom!"

BeautifulxChaos 9

You can definitely change. It's called exercise and an attitude adjustment. But in all honesty, your mom should have comforted you, not put you down.


Cabehare 0

Well then go run and be nice you fat bitch

structuredchaoz 4

As wrong as this is to say, as a woman in life it is acceptable to be either fat, or a bitch. But you can't be both. Just sayin.

Yeah...that is wrong. No one should be a "bitch" to another person, whether they are big or small. Second, being overweight or skinny should not determine what personality you have the "right" to have. If I gain some weight I am not automatically going to be nicer to someone, and if I lose some weight I am not going to start being a douche to someone either.

perdix 29

Well, even though it's pretty hard, you can lose weight with a good diet and some exercise. About the bitch part, changing personalities is exceptionally difficult, some might say . . . *lowers sunglasses* it's a bitch!

Perdix, it's good to read one of your comments again.

perdix 29

Where have you been? I'm glad you are back.

I originally only meant to take a short break to focus on schoolwork. And honestly, I have no idea why I never came back after that semester was over. I think it's a little like that thing where someone sends you an e-mail, and you don't reply right away, and the longer you go without writing back the more guilty you feel and then that stops you from writing and it's an endless cycle. If that makes any sense whatsoever. This is actually a terrible time for me to return, because I have fallen woefully behind in school and am embarking on an extreme studying regimen. Distractions are not good right now. What is wrong with me? /long, boring explanation that you don't care about.

Oops, double comment. This is me getting rid of it.

perdix 29

Oh, I DO care. FML in moderation can be good for you. Or so I've heard, I'm a total junkie. I totally know what you mean about the e-mail guilt spiral. I owe two or three people and one or two owe me. All study with NO breaks can be counterproductive. In college, when our brains turned to mush from overstudying, we'd go out to the balcony of our dorm and scream obscenities to the students in the neighboring dorms. (It was great when we'd have Biology majors join us, the imagery they could conjure up with their intimate knowledge of anatomy was thoroughly disturbing.) After 20-30 minutes of this we'd be hoarse, but our brains would be refreshed and we could study again. Let FML be your Yell Wars!

Yell wars sound awesome. Breaks definitely are necessary, I just need to make sure I don't spend too much time on here. pendatik just told me that a lot of the old gang are gone, which makes me sad...

Hey, OP, get over it. I hate to be harsh, but people actually throw rocks at me on my way to school, have stolen and destroyed my artwork, and even ripped my jacket in the middle of 30F temperature. It could always be worse.

greendaybitch666 0

That's something my mum would say :P.

RKD 23

So sorry to hear, op! She was probably trying to help, but you CAN change if you decide your weight if an issue, if you want-there are lots of calorie count/exercise websites on the net-fad diets and pills don't work!

suck it up. ive had people throw rocks at me before, ive had people ruin a friendship purely out of greed and hate for me. lose a few pounds and if you truly are being a bitch then stop being a bitch if not then start being a bitch then stop being a bitch.

Bekeliyr 10

You can at least change your weigh but you can't change your bitchy attitude.