By thatsasquee - 21/05/2011 06:42 - Canada

Today, I called my mom and I got voicemail: "Hello, this is Joyce. I'm not here at the moment, so leave a message and I will call back as soon as possible. Except if it's Sophie. If it is, get the hell out of my life, biiitch." I'm Sophie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 331
You deserved it 5 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Such a lovely mother you have, darling...


varkey 7

wow wtf, doesn't sound like something a mom would do FYL

butterflyz1961 2

Damn. What he'll did you do to her??

narutou546 4
lmaoatall 6

two can play that game. your voice memo needs to say hi, this is Sophie, leave a message. but if this is my mom Joyce, for the last time I am not going over there to apply wart away on your giant ass warts. and I refuse to shave your freakish ape like back hair. now stop asking.

I would've left a message saying that I was in the hospital dying and say that since I'd never see her again to tell the family that I loved them and not her. Then I'd end it with suck on that bitch -_-

Maybe OP really is a bitch and her mom is sick of it? OP never said why she was calling - does she only call for money or favours? Does she treat her mom like shit? Just because she's the mom, does not mean she has to be OK with being treated like shit by her kid.

3dolla3dolla 0

aww what a caring mother she made u a personalized voicemail