By oouchh - 24/07/2011 12:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I bumped into my ex-boyfriend I still love, and his new girlfriend, who he cheated on me with. Embarrassingly, she was wearing the same top as me. However hers was in size 6, unlike my 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 481
You deserved it 18 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't beat yourself up OP. Why... you are 2.66 times the girl that she is!


once a cheating loser.. always a cheating loser.. therefore it doesn't matter what size she is.. her day is coming:/ don't listen to the fat comments, if you think losing weight will make you happier then go for it.. if you're comfortable than don't worry about it.. either way NEVER take that loser back.

cheerleader1011 0
Mipz 2

I'm not sure if that was funny, or just unbelievably stupid.

#115. she MAY be fat.. but you're ugly, at least she can diet.

I think you shouldn't care about how "big" you are, as long as you're healthy, of course. Don't be upset. remember that just because you're a 16 doesn't mean you're 300lbs. Everyones body is different. For example, I'm 5'10 and 175lbs...but I'm a size 8-10 (dep on store) and small/med in tops (8-12). Sizes are a funny thing. If you don't feel comfortable with yourself, eat better, work out. It sounds hard, but trust me, you'll feel great at the end! I have faith in you! :-)

Size 8-10 is NOT fat, in fact it's thinner than average. The average woman in America (including Canada, just for this conversation's sake) is 12-14. A 6 foot model, weighing 140 pounds may very well be a size 8, depending on her hip/bust size. Sizes dictate more about bone structure than they do about obesity.

ArielTheMermaid 17

230 you only think it's fat because society says it is, but screw society, cuz 8-10 is totally average.

I'm size 8 and I'm on the lower end of normal think again honey

Eh, I would say that 4-6 is like... "definitely not skinny, but not fat". Above that... soz.

Depending on the girl's height, size 4-6 may very well make her look anorexic, or it may look like she's obese.

Go to Lane Bryant, and that won't happen.

asianpersuasian2 9

you should just be happy with yourself and then it wouldnt matter. if you dont like something about yourself dont complain about it just change it. and then hopefully youll find someone else and move on from your ex.

hxcDollface 0

OP, it was wrong for him to cheat on you. if you're confident about your body, you can find someone who will love you for who you are. If you're not, lose some weight and carry the confidence you should have and attract the right man. confidence is sexy, no matter if you're thin, chubby, or over weight. go get em girl(: