This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By nowthatsfcked - 13/03/2009 13:18 - Canada

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend because I saw him with another woman. I confronted both of them in screaming rage "What the fuck? Are you cheating on me with this ugly slut?" They were in shock. Turns out it was his cousin visiting from New Jersey, he was gonna introduce us at dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 232
You deserved it 210 451

Top comments

And this is why we don't jump to conclusions....

that is all your fault. you should get your angry jealous streak in check.


Lmao that's what you deserve, just becuase he was with another woman?! I'm glad you left him you did him a favor.

shadow7_fml 0

that is the most ridiculous overreaction i have ever heard of. you didn't even take a second to give him a chance to explain?

way to be a stupid jealous bitch. you totally deserved it and i hope he doesn't take you back

Hes probably cheating on you and lied about her being his cousin.

I wonder why people say to never jump to conclusions, huh?

what the hell??? seems like your boyfriend had a lucky day... the sooner he got away from your crazy ass the better...

ElleEnvy 0

He should be glad that he doesn't have to deal with an untrusting gf and what if it was just one of his friend's who was a girl. Not as if he was making out with her or anything.

What a huge **** you are. Lucky him for being rid of you. What kind of psychopath has a screaming fit after seeing her boyfriend EXIST IN THE PRESENCE of another female person?

CP3_fml 0

jealous jealous jealous you must be a bit insecure????

Are you the type of girl who doesn't let her man have any female friends at all? You deserved it. :