By Anonymous - 19/05/2015 14:01 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I bought my first vibrator. I was really excited, until my crippling OCD kicked in, forcing me to turn it on and off seven times in rapid succession, causing it to give off a cracking sound and stop working. Now I'm sad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 226
You deserved it 12 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

looks like you'll be needing some ocdick.


Please don't turn a real dick on and off seven times in rapid succession, I think it would break faster than the vibrator

bleedingglitter 24

Maybe get a "personal massager" they are a little more durable though pricey.

should have used that ocd to give yourself 7 happy endings instead

chef4money 12

Return it if there is a return policy. I'm sorry your ***** broke, that's sad.

Oh for crying out loud. Give it a good smack.

fallen_dragonkin 12

that can't be good quality product, regardless what it is, electrical items shouldn't break just because they are switched on and off

cruzzer810 6

did you try tuning it on and off again? sorry op that sucks.

Cheap vibrators are road to hell and self-destruction. Your device deserved it, not you.

This immediately made me think of one of my supervisors who has fairly severe OCD (depends on the day for him in terms of how bad it is or sometimes it gets set off) and if he has anything related to the OCD if he's having some alone time...