By unicorn_skies - 18/01/2014 08:33 - United States - Yorba Linda

Today, I bought a new, expensive dress for a date. I left the tag on and hidden in hopes of returning it later. Someone saw it and ripped it off for me to "save me from embarrassment." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 594
You deserved it 57 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's not the other person's fault and really, if you were intending to return it, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place.

I think your saviour did a poor job of keeping you from being embarrassed.


Shitty and selfish idea. Either buy something in your price range, or save up the money.

If she bought the dress from a designer boutique the sales people probably work off of commission. When someone returns something at a store like that the returned commission gets subtracted from the sales person's next paycheck. She is costing people money by doing that so YDI

FYL OP. Who the hell goes around ripping tags off of stranger's clothes?

When I worked in a clothing store people would try to return stuff all of the time reeking of perfume or ciggarettes. My manager wouldn't allow them and their faces were priceless when they would be called out on it. YDI.

middlenamefrank 8

I can't think of a more "YDI" fml that I've ever seen. Y TOTALLY DI!!!!

nitrog100 21

Honestly everyone calling her out on this is a big fat hypocrite. Everyone has returned something to a store that had no defects or problems. Ever bought something expensive like electronics and then regretted it and returned it? You just stole from the company. Ever bought a book that sounded great but hated it and returned it? You just stole from the company. Ever bought a shirt or clothing item that looked great in the store but hated it when you got home? You just stole from the company. Like I said unless you can honestly say that you have never returned anything with a defect then stop being such hypocrites.

I can honestly say that - I have never returned anything that worked properly. Even more, I find the whole concept ridiculous - you bought it, why the hell should it be taken back? Its like signing a contract and then deciding to just reverse it unilaterally.

SheepShoop_fml 20

There's a difference between returning something you don't like (not a problem, if it's not broken and unused we can still sell it), and returning something that you've used (now unsellable). Retail chains are not rental stores.

No, I can honestly say I have never fraudulently returned anything in my entire life.

If you try a shirt on, that's very different than wearing it for an event and then returning it. Trying it on doesn't make it unsellable. What the OP tried to do would result in a dress with pit stains and other obvious signs of wear, which means the store wouldn't be able to resell it. It sounds like you're trying a little too hard to justify what you know is fraud.

frizz101 22

No you're wrong, the return policy was for things exactly as you described, it didn't fit, or it doesn't work in your home or fit etc. The fraud is when you buy something to use and then return when you're done with it. You're benefiting from a product a store sells, making it so it can't be resold and then getting your money back. It's one thing to buy a TV and realizing it doesn't work in your house, it's another thing to buy a big screen for your Super Bowl party and returning it after. There are rental places for these exact reasons.

SheepShoop_fml 20

People who work in clothing stores are aware that you have worn and are returning a used dress. Furthermore the chance they can sell that again is low. So you're screwing some company (and in effect its employees) out of money because you are some entitled brat. YDI, and anyone who thinks you're in the right has their head up their ass.

Good for them. Fraud like that is the reason so many stores have to overprice clothing and/or use lower quality materials. I hope it was done on purpose to prevent your being able to return the item.

tuffykat 8

seems like the person who ripped the tag off did a favor to the rest of society, now noone else has to buy your used and worn dress! wonder if they ripped it off on purpose, I would do the same if I saw a tag hanging off someones outfit...just so they couldn't scam...I would rip the tag off and keep it!!