By run4fun - 23/06/2011 18:56 - United States

Today, I attempted to bleach my body hair so I wouldn't have to shave. A little while later, I realized that I'd also succeeded in bleaching my skin, which was incredibly noticeable. I'm hosting a pool party this weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 844
You deserved it 49 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments


honestly i dnt see how bleaching hair is being lazy. i think the trouble of mixing the shit buying the stuff and putting it everywhere is more trouble then buying a razor n cutting it off :P but thats just me

mimi68_fml 0

get a good spray tan it'll be just fine!

mimi68_fml 0

ps I'm a hairstylist-for future reference any kind of bleach will have the same effect. you either have to foil the hair (ha ha) or find another way of getting rid of it-waxing, trimming, shaving, OR LASER HAIR REMOVAL!

yzBabe 0

When you bleach your hair it sometimes temporarily bleaches your skin. It goes away after a few hours

needsagf14 12