By faitesdesgosses - 19/05/2014 14:27 - France - Mantes-la-ville

Today, I asked my 7-year-old daughter what job she would like when she grows up. She calmly replied that she wouldn't have one; she'd just bring her husband round to my place and steal food from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 425
You deserved it 48

Top comments

Well at least she's already planned ahead for the future.

you might have a little bit of trouble getting her completely out of the nest lol on the other hand when kids get older they normally want to leave immediately.


foxmatrix15 8

Dude just embrace the cuteness of it all she hasn't reached the stage were she grows up wanting to be independent by herself yet. She'll get there

Aero_x 21

she is pretty smart though

She's 7, she probably won't remember she said that in a few years.

skyeyez9 24

She is only 7, so that is hilarious. If she was 25, you may have a problem.

She's 7, OP... Soon you'll miss that she wants to come home and be with you. Cherish it.

Sure hope that changes when she is a teenager

Looks like she's got it ALL figured out huh?

Disown her and get another child…and this time make sure you raise him/her properly

epicfury26 13

Now that's just messed up she's 7 and most likely she won't remember saying that in a few years

Pretty savvy for a 7-year-old...if she's still thinking that way when she's 17, you have a problem.

Or she could just, I dunno, BUY SOME APPLES Or get a job on a farm. That works too.