By Anonymous - 05/06/2012 19:34 - United States - Pocatello

Today, I approached a cute girl at a club, when she started barking at me like a rabid dog. Thinking she might be mentally unhinged, I left, only to see the same girl laughing her ass off with her friends minutes later. When I went back over, her friends started barking at me too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 705
You deserved it 6 818

Same thing different taste


swimmiandrr 0
butterflyz1961 2

In Dogspeak she was telling you to go away.

imavelociraptor 6

It wasn't jennamarbles.... She would have given you "the face" lol

emstar828 4
bearkat420 3

Haha you should of started barking back at her.

drummer_101 1

jenna will explain everything.

Fortitudine 3

Well, if you didn't get it the first time.....

BookFeminist 0

They probably got that barking technique from Jenna Marbles' "When the Face Doesn't Work." You make animal noises to scare a person away.