By skyllabeauty1234 - 23/07/2015 03:18 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I am probably the only person in the world who can manage to pull a muscle in their neck while brushing their teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 227
You deserved it 2 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you didn't pull a muscle in your neck while trying to give yourself a *******.


I've done that brushing my hair. -.-'

I ripped a muscle in my neck sneezing once. Had to had physio on it for several months. I felt like an idiot telling people I only sneezed so changed it an elaborate story instead!

Once pulled a muscle in my neck while nursing my hair.

dragoongirl90 34

I get a charlie horse in my under-chin when brushing my tongue.

theamazingd 17

It always sucks when you get hurt doing something stupid or mundane. I hope it starts to feel better soon!

I can pull a muscle in my neck just from turning my head too fast.

momac86 17

Were you left toothpaste foaming at the mouth

I once slept so hard I pulled a neck muscle. I can tell you it is kinda frightening when you wake up and you can't move your head.

mika1010 5

I sprained my neck just pulling my hair back to put it in a bun... I hadn't even touched my hair yet... I win...