By creeped_out_ - 24/06/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I am currently grounded for three weeks, have no car, cell phone, or television privileges, and am not allowed to spend more than 10 minutes on the computer a day. The reason why: I was seven minutes past my 9'oclock curfew. I'm 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 845
You deserved it 13 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh_dee 0

so you spent your ten computer minutes to write an fml? that's kind of fml worthy in itself.....

doodlebug93 0


woah I'm sorry, I would move out into an apartment or somthing, that's intense! I've been grounded too tho, just sneak out at night

Are you the first child? My parents were like that with me. I was the oldest. Then, when my younger brother turned 18 they would basically let him do what he wanted. I'm 25 now and my mom and I were talking about this a few months ago. She attributed her strictness to the fact that parents have no idea what they're doing so they'd rather be super strict than not strict enough.

tkiero 0

#59...what??????? This is all a little outrageouss...

meadowlark 0

Hope it took you less than 10 minutes to write this.

dripinwet 0

damn.. I am a parent and i think that is complete BS... Your parents are crazy....

95camarov6 0

Ok, your parents are providing you with a roof to live under, a computer to work on, and a cell phone to use. You dont like their rules, move out

yeah that's harsh, but you live in their house. their rules. you don't like it? move out.