By Anonymous - 14/02/2019 16:35 - United States

Today, I am 3 months pregnant. While lying on the couch with morning sickness, my boyfriend farted loudly and filled the room with a smell so horrifying that I immediately threw up all over my coffee table. He spent the next 20 minutes texting his friends about this "epic" moment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 903
You deserved it 7 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zp5 4

boyfriend: "hey guys, i farted and it smelled so bad that my girlfriend threw up all over the coffee table. LOL!" his friends: "whoooa that is so cool." "that is awesome." "hilarious." "i wish my farts smelled that bad!"

TryptamineDreame 0

You should give him one of your rotten pregnancy farts right in his mouth while he's sleeping. He probably wouldn't be laughing then.


anlhawks 5

"Thanks", Moron, for breeding with said idiot.

@64, Along with Twilight fans, I throw rocks stupid girls like you. Chill out and google the word "sarcasm" and "humor".

This is why we make sure we are with people we want to be MARRIED to before having kids.

And now that I saw your post, I might add a few things: 23 is old enough to know what birth control is and USE it. Look at the divorce rate? Look at the number of single moms who get to hound some guy for child support for 18 years because he started off as a "loving, mature partner." You have jobs. NOW. When said baby is born, ONE of you will have a job. Either that or you'll find a relative to pawn your kid off on while you take refuge at a part time job to hide from your responsibilities as a mom. Making 9 bucks an hour doesn't really constitute "stable." Men don't change. Your boyfriend obviously has some respect issues and that isn't going to happen now if it hasn't already. This is why you start off with a good one. I'm 22, a mother of a toddler and another blessing on the way, PLANNED my children, oh..and married 4 years this month. I may be younger than you but at least I'm smart enough to do what's right by my kids. Raising babies takes a team of two level headed parents and you clearly both have work to do. Good luck. :)

OK, who let the supercilious nitwits out of their cage again? -.-

this is funny, natural bodily function. lol any pregnant person knows your sense of smell increases. my boyfriend does the same thing to me. it's gross yes but after you're done being mad at him u laugh about it. as for the whole comment about her using birthcontrol you don't know if this pregnancy was planned or not. people have children and can be amazing parents. I was a single mom at the age of 16 raised my child worked full time and went to school. pawning your kid off to relatives to escape the responsibilities. not everyone can afford to not work and stay at home with their children. it's called trying to provide for your child and make sure they have everything they need.

I was laughing at your story. Your bf should have apologized to you and cleaned up your mess. Men tend to be quite crude. My wife of 36 years just ignores me most of the time or runs away when I fart next to her.