By halfasleep - 27/03/2012 14:00 - United States - New Haven

Today, I accidentally took my mouthwash like a shot. I don't know what burned more, when it went down or when it came back up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 674
You deserved it 14 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My moth died, please like my comment; it's what he would've wanted :(


I have done this before. It's an involuntary reaction to throw it up, just like syphoning petrol and swallowing a bit. After both cases I learned my lesson and am very concious a about not swallowing now. FYL.

Inediblepeaches 15

At least you survived the Listerine challenge.

melrose90210 10

Clearly you've been taking a few too many shots lately

It's just mouth wash. I'm sure we've all accidentally swallowed it at one time or another O.o chill

So sorry, OP. That's awful! Similar thing happened To me when I was five... But a bit different... Keep in mind, I was a little kid-- an imaginative one at that. And I would pretend that my shampoo cap was a teacup. I wouldn't actually pour the shampoo-ey water down my throat; instead I would pour it down the side of my jaw... Well, one time, i missed and the shampoo water went directly down my throat. .... Terrible.... Luckily I never threw up. (I don't really know why not! But oh, well!!) Yep, that is the end of my story.

kitsune3 20

O-ho...Damn! I bet that hurt...I'm so sorry, OP. At least now you'll remember not to make that mistake again, right?

Kiru07 4

That actually happened to me before, except I was like 6 years old...

PikachuBuddy 8

UGH! The same thing happened to me... When I was at a friends house