By rejected4ever - 14/02/2012 18:29 - United States

Today, for Valentine's Day, my boyfriend gave me the half-eaten chocolate bar that I left in his fridge two weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 563
You deserved it 4 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he remembered it was Valentine's day?

You would perhaps prefer that he either ate the whole thing or left it out in the sun so it would melt? Show some gratitude. All I got today was a cigarette butt and a purple nurple.


Who cares? I don't get my boyfriend anything, he doesn't get me anything. Why blow money on overpriced cards and trash candy, anyway?

missalice0306 19

Why do people need to show their love based on materialistic possessions? Surely showing your other half how much you love them during the year is better than just one day out of the year? But that being said, if that's all he could do for you, then I doubt he's the type that is affectionate year round. FYL OP!

thebottomdog 0

He gave you something and he remembered so be happy with what you got my girl dumped me for valentines day lol