By MLGreco - 14/10/2011 16:11 - United States

Today, for the first time, I beat my brother in a game of CoD. Not being a gamer, I was ecstatic. Later, when I was in the shower, my brother snuck in the bathroom, yelled "Napalm strike!" and threw our cat over the shower curtain like a furry grenade from hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 458
You deserved it 5 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cats are slowly replacing dogs as the new killstreak

Payback is a bitch... Well in this case a pussy!


Thee aren't any napalm strikes in CoD... he needs to rethink his vocabulary.

I don't like Call of Duty but there are napalm strikes in Black Ops.

and counter strike doesn't have terrorists. you need to rethink how you think

Get revenge! Preferably without throwing the cat. Again.

faith24_fml 1

this is f****** hilarious!!!!

FYL and F the cat's L, but I have got to admit that is a really funny mental image despite being kind of awful.

Welcome to gaming in 2011. Fun is a thing of the past!

ashwowa 14

hahaha! Yes!! sorry for you though..

cupcake6363 0