By Chelsea - 20/07/2009 05:54 - United States

Today, during some previews before the new Harry Potter movie, a guy stood up and led the audience in an enthusiastic and rather successful chant "H-A-R-R-Y!". Minutes later when I attempted to do the same thing, I was pelted with half-full bags of popcorn, freezing sodas, and booing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 200
You deserved it 85 162

Same thing different taste


Attention hog. Don't try to steal someone else's thunder.

That's cause it already happened dipstick

_awesomeness585 11

The sodas were a bit harsh but for a moocher like yourself, that sounds like free popcorn!

Why would you do the same thing? That's like telling your friend their own joke ten minutes after they told it to you.

Why would you attempt the same thing when it's just been done? No wonder people threw shit at you.