By Anonymous - 29/01/2013 21:23 - United States - Burlington

Today, during a date, I discovered that if I cough with my mouth closed, snot will spray from my nose all over the place like some kind of mucus cannon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 462
You deserved it 6 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a sure-Fire way to booger- I mean bugger up a good date.


Did you not think of the air that your coughing up needs to escape your body somehow? You deserved it.

Lizzy500 16

When you go to kiss your hunny, and your nose is kinda runny, you may think it's funny, but it's snot

perdix 29

You also discovered a way to abruptly end a date without having to jump out restaurant bathroom windows. This is going in the Man Playbook!

shrdlu 28

Have you considered making a nightclub act out of this rare ability?

Not quite the type of facial she was expecting.

You are supposed to cough into the bend of your elbow so u dont throw snot virus at everyone else if no tissue around. Know how far that shit travels an infects people!