By staringisrude - 27/08/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, at work, I was putting away clothes in the Men's department, when a guy came and started shopping in the aisle in front of me. He kept staring at me non-stop. Getting fed up, I said "What are you staring at?" Turns out he was wearing his sunglasses on the back of his head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 288
You deserved it 64 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nikkiandyou 0

hmmm, was the person like bald or osmething, or have like scalp wrinkles that made it look likes lips? funny....but weird..i dont get how you could have mistaken it


and this is so didnt notice the hair. no nose? no mouth. his ears backwards? no nothing? if you didnt make this up. you are ******* retarded

In reality it could be quite easy to mistake someone with sunglasses on the back of their head as starring at you. As someone said earlier 'when someone is starring at you, you generally don't stare back'. The way the FML was posted it sounds like she wasn't paying attention, but then after a while started to get disturbed by the man starring at her. The sunglasses could have been a bright colour, so perhaps that's all she really noticed when she looked up every now and then. While I agree cussing someone out as an employee would be rather rude, I can understand how she could have confused the situation.

atmalum 0

That is retarded. U should take that crap of of FML. U r stupid

Fake. Nobody is stupid enough to not notice a missing nose and mouth.

and you couldn't tell the difference?

athena3100 9

wow. How could u notice that there wasnt a mouth or a nose!