By nicoreal89 - 25/11/2011 08:20 - United States

Today, at the Black Friday Sale, a fully grown man hit my 5 year old daughter for an Xbox. In anger, I punched the guy and gave him a bloody nose. I'm now banned from Best Buy, and my daughter has a concussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 138
You deserved it 6 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uprising_fml 0

what a badass . at least you avenged your kid .

At least you tried to defend your daughter.


You're a good dad for defending your daughter. However, bringing her out on black Friday was a bad judgement call.

Well for a dad it makes sence for a mom no.

No, it makes no sense at all. Black Friday is ******* intense and children need to be at HOME.

Wait where does it say that OP is a man?

scarmen 2

why would u bring your daughter shopping on black friday knowing thats an insane day to go shopping!?

IronMaiden45 0

well at least you did something I would have hit him too. also tell them to look at the cameras to show them who started it

dregg22 2

Why would you bring a 5 year old to black Friday in the first place

Next time instead of a fist fight yell food fight! That will throw him off guard

flockz 19
Capt_Oblivious 10

Nothing like the holidays to bring out the 'best' in others.

It makes me really sad that there seems to be no human decency anymore. Possessions and money are more important to people than other human beings. And having a day like Black Friday just furthers the notion that America is going down the hole. A day where you go out and spend money on bigger and better things that you probably don't even need...and a lot of these people are probably poor (since they're willing to hurt others to save a few bucks) or the ones complaining they can't find jobs. Get your priorities straight.

Blueocean7 19

Spot on!! Agree 100%. It's truly sad when people get like this over materialistic things. And children should never be touched by strangers at all!

Hit? You mean he slapped/something similar to your daughter so he could buy an Xbox? Was there only one left and she had it? If I understood it correctly, that's aweful.