By BetterThanChocolate - 20/04/2014 23:24 - United States - Silver Spring

Today, at a big Easter egg hunt, the kids found a wild bunny. Everyone smiled and "aww"ed, until my dog caught and ate it in front everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 177
You deserved it 5 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that's a holiday memory the kids will never forget

Wow, this is my first time hearing of a dog actually CATCHING a rabbit, more or less eating it.


aimeroni 12

YDI.Should have been watching your dog.

YDI for making the decision to take your dog to a place full of young children, and chocolate that is poisonous for him/her, without a leash or being able to control him/her.

Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the... *munch*

nurchok 15

The "wild bunny" is called a hare. And it must've been injured because there is no way a dog could possibly catch up to it, key alone catch and eat...

A bunny and a hare are not the same animal actually. Bunny usually refers to 'rabbit', which can also live in the wild. Hares are a lot bigger. I think a dog can easily catch a wild rabbit, hares are much faster, so it does seem unlikely this was a hare...

Dogs can totally catch hares, that's how they are hunted - with a pack of dogs.

maybe you should keep your mutt on a ******' leash.

I think it would be great for the kids to see that! The natural way of things I guess. Some of you were wrapped in wool as a child 'cause you're *******. **** who cares if a dog ate a hare they're a pest in my country anyway. If my dog caught his own rabbit I'd be giving him a pat on the back since he's mostly jack russell (with other bits mixed in) and jacks were bred to do just that! Stop being so precious and appreciate these children got a great life lesson for free!

jonmaster69 7

U have a very skilled dog i hope you congratulated him