By Anonymous - 08/03/2011 18:25 - United States

Today, as I couldn't get the airplane seat buckle to buckle, I faced the fact that I've been in denial about how fat I have become. The people in my row faced it too as I began to sob uncontrollably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 194
You deserved it 36 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Dust yourself off, and create a gameplan to shed some lbs.

dude that's your own damn fault. if you're unhappy with your body, go on a diet.


everlife_333 3

aww don't listen to all the haters just use this as an opportunity to loose weight ,eat better, exercise and most importantly be healthy. maybe see a nutritionist and/or join a gym.

I swear most of y'all r messed up... kickin someone when there down SMH.. and tht sucks man mustve been rough...

madeline1960 0

I can't believe how heartless some of you guys are . No body is perfect .

cradle6 13

Listen to 73. I'm celiac myself and all sorts of weird symptoms can come about from eating wheat.

zowieandzander77 1

what's with the over use of the "as" in FMLs recently. Today, as I am a receptionist, today as I had to go to the bank. so annoying. anyway, OP that sucks but they do offer seatbelt extensions. Use today as a wake up call. little changes in your diet can really work.

it's not over yet. decide you want to lose weight, then do it. it may not be easy, but it's not impossible.

Go to the gym a bit fatass it's not that's hard

Glad I am not fat AND fugly. One of those is bad enough.

You're so attractive that you're not afraid to post your beautiful face so that the whole world may lust after you.