By Wolf6661 - 14/03/2016 18:29 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, as a mascot for a pet store, I had to fake my own death to stop a little girl having a temper tantrum because she couldn't take me home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 809
You deserved it 1 766

Wolf6661 tells us more.

OP here, to fill in the gaps the little girl was about 8 maybe 9 and the parents did try and stop her but it wasn't working, so I felt they needed a hand. To answer the questions of how she reacted, well after she poked and prodded my "dead body", let's just say my ears are still ringing from her shrill little scream of outrage at my "death". Alright well have a nice day y'all taco taco burrito.

Top comments

I just hope the little girl wasn't traumatized by your death!

Aww, I'm sure the parent was grateful for your quick solution. Albeit, a creative one. Good job! :)


I'm sorry OP, but this made my day.

Lol don't worry about it. I laughed afterwards 2. I posted cuz it's funny now, even though it sucked earlier

I imagine the whole scene of the little girl wanting to take you home would have been really cute, if not for the temper tantrum lol. But it is kind of funny.

I feel you so much. I worked costume for Chuck-ee-Rat many years ago; no bigger nightmare than crowds of children playing "take down Chuck-E" while their parents swill beer and ignore them. Fifteen minutes out, fifteen minutes off, rinse, repeat. The only consolation was being able to fling them into the ball-pit. I applaud your creativity!

mr_aaaaaaaa 12

That just...cute, and well done op!

How dumb is this kid? At 8 or 9 I would knew it was a mascot not a real dog and I still believed in Santa at that age.

What op didn't tell us is that he or she is actually a sentient dog and knows how to speak and type in English.

I'd like to think that if I was a sentient K9 then I'd be a wolf lol.

Oh geeze, that could have gone south and traumatized her more, but I'd pry do the same if I was panicking to get her to stop. Taking off your headpiece would have been the "logic" option, but for a kid that could be even more traumatizing, so sorry, haha, you gambled your cards, its definitely an experience to be remembered, I'm sure.