By supertacowaffle - 28/11/2014 20:47 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, and for the past few days, there is a musical box stuck somewhere in my attic that randomly plays Christmas songs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 440
You deserved it 3 261

supertacowaffle tells us more.

This is my FML :') basically we have a huge box of Christmas decorations up there, but there's hardly any floorboards and they have been put on the spongy floor, and something has moved up there so this box keeps going off, waiting for someone to move it or at least try and get the box out.


That would creep me the hell out. Get out before it's too late!

PSYqualiac 17

Wind up or battery powered it's got to run out sometime. Just sit quietly in the corner till it does, gentle rocking helps. Alternatively tell the voices to piss off, it's not even December yet!!!

Don't be a scaredy-cat! Get your butt up there and show that music box who's boss!

Check everywhere up there for homeless folks or crazy exes... It happens!